Wisdom from Students: Top 10 Virtual Learning Tips

Back to school time is here! For many SRLA students this means a return to the Zoom classroom. But don’t worry! Whether you are going to school online, working from home, or just want to be more productive while staying at home - SRLA students have some advice for you.

Below is a list of the top tips on how to make the most of the virtual school year submitted by SRLA students:

  1. Have a Work Environment. Find a space in your home and dedicate it to doing all of your school work there. Its also important to keep this area clean. This is able to keep you nice and organized so you know where everything is at all times. - Amy L., Grade 10

  2. Eliminate distractions. At school we are not permitted to have our cell phones in class. However now that we're home it can be very easy to go on our social media and lose track of time. Keep cell phones on do not disturb or in another room. It may also help to speak to your family and let them know the time where you are going to need your space to complete school work. - Stephanie B., Grade 11

  3. Create a schedule so that you can be organized and know when your classes start. - Jesus B.

  4. Be on time to your classes, so you give a good impression of who you are as a student and you can take advantage of the teaching. - David E.

  5. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, school should be a safe place, where you can learn and grow. As they always say, ask, maybe someone is thinking the same thing. - Hailey R., Grade 9

  6. Set a major goal because when you set goals that are personally important, you’re more likely to manage your time in a way to accomplish them. - Brandon O. Grade 9

  7. Be social. You can still make friends in online classes by getting to know each other. - Jillian M. Grade 9

  8. Grab a snack! Make sure to be eating something between your breaks and stay hydrated - Vanessa S.

  9. Be Positive! I make sure I am positive and have a growth mindset, so I that I will have a good day. - Robert F.

  10. Always work hard, we can all succeed in school and get good grades, ask for help when you need it. It may be difficult and stressful to be learning virtually, but you have to keep going, when you have a goal nothing can stop you! Your work will pay off! We are all in this together! We can do this! - David E.

Follow along with these tips and you will be sure to succeed - wherever this school year takes you!


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