Wisdom From Students: What does it mean to be Responsible?

Sun Valley SRLA Runners celebrating after finishing their Responsibility 15K.

Sun Valley SRLA Runners celebrating after finishing their Responsibility 15K.

Last week, as students prepared to run the SRLA Responsibility 15K we asked them to reflect upon what it means to them to be responsible. At SRLA, responsibility is one of our core values - it is a skill that students must develop as they put in the time and training commitments necessary to complete a marathon. Whether it is showing up to practice on time, knowing when to rest injuries, or refusing to eat junk food before a race, responsibility is an important part of an SRLA student’s success, and it is a value that will stick with them far beyond the marathon finish line.

What does RESPONSIBILITY mean to SRLA runners?

Responsibility means owning up to your actions.
— Emma
Responsibility is knowing what you need to do to achieve a certain goal or task.
— Amanda
To me responsibility means completing important daily tasks, and being productive with work given by school and chores. In addition, responsibility is also being able to recognize and own up to your mistakes.
— Oliver
Responsibility is understanding the tasks you are given and making it a priority to complete them.
— Daisy
Responsibility is taking ownership of your actions regardless of the consequences.
— Kimberly
Responsibility is being able to know your body’s limit
— Marta
Being responsible is doing what you need to without making excuses, even if you don’t do it.
— Sarah

Thank you for giving students the opportunity to set big goals and learn life lessons in responsibility!


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