Mesiel: SRLA Siblings

Mesiel is a senior at Maywood Center for Enriched Studies and this is his first season with SRLA! He shared some of his experiences and thoughts from his SRLA journey…

What motivated you to join SRLA?

My sister was eager to join and seeing her excited to join made me want to join her on this journey and be there to cheer her on.

What is your favorite memory (so far!) from SRLA?

My favorite memory so far is when at the end of the 10k I mistakenly waited for my peers at the wrong place and I had confused some of my other peers too. In the end, we found out where they were at and we all just laughed at my mistake.

What has been your biggest challenge as an SRLA Runner? How did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge as an SRLA runner is trying my best to cheer my sister on and making sure she gives it her all and doesn't give up. This is a challenge for me since I am not a very expressive person and it's hard for me to express myself clearly. Now I just push myself to help push my sister to do her best. So in the end we help each other out

What is one of your goals in SRLA?
One of my goals in SRLA is to not lose contact with the now SRLA runners and to keep a genuine friendship with them.

What is something about SRLA that brings you joy?

Something about SRLA that brings me joy is seeing people happy after they finish a run and the smile that comes as they get presented with a medal.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Don't give up sis!!!

Rapid Fire! A few more questions - just for fun…

Do you listen to music while you run? Just me and my thoughts…

Sidewalk or trails? Trails

Water or sports drink? Water

One thing I can't run without is... My thoughts

My favorite place to run is... Outside of my school

Favorite post-run snack... Is a banana.

The best part of every race is... Seeing people exited at the start and their smiles at the end.


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