Arnoldo: Teammates and Strangers

Arnoldo is a 10th grader at Animo South LA. He recently completed his first ever marathon with Students Run LA, spending time with his teammates and running alongside strangers were his highlights. Read on to learn about Arnoldo’s marathon experience…

What new place or thing did you discover during the Los Angeles Marathon?

I met many new people while running and visited a lot of fun places.

How did you feel Crossing the Finish Line?

I felt excited and a sense of accomplishment but I was more happy to wait and see my other teammates crossing, crying of happiness.

What was the most challenging part of the run?
The most challenging part of the run was around the 19 to 26 mile because people around the end, only handed out beer and other adult beverages which many people my age couldn't drink and making the last few miles much more difficult.

What was your favorite part of the run?

I definitely love the course for the marathon! It was so cool to be able to see all of Hollywood, West LA, Chinatown, and lots of other places I’ve never seen before! I loved it! It was like doing a week’s worth of sightseeing in five hours!

Were there any moments when a fellow member of the running community helped you during the event?

Meeting new people and the people supporting me to carry on.

What advice do you have for someone who is planning to run the Los Angeles Marathon next year?

Train hard, like at least 10 miles a week to prepare.

Anything else you want to share?

I hope to join SRLA for the rest of my high school years.


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