Leader Spotlight - Coach Chavez: Never Back Down from a Challenge


Coach Chavez is the SRLA leader at KIPP Corazon Academy Upper School. This year was his first season with SRLA. To celebrate teacher appreciation week - we are highlighting Coach Chavez’s experience as a leader.

What motivated you to become an SRLA Leader?
When I moved to Los Angeles, CA back in July of 2015 I worked for City Year LA. I served at Mendez High School and would always see these students running around the city with the bright shirts. When I asked who they were they explained how they were apart of SRLA and training for a marathon. I couldn't believe students that young of a age would complete 26.2 miles. I was also training during that time for my very first marathon. I got excited and wanted to be a part of it. I ended up leaving Mendez High School and working for Larchmont Charter but never bringing it there. This past year one of my students reached out to me about more running due to the 31 Day Mile Challenges I kept hosting all throughout COVID-19. I told him I was training for my second marathon and he wanted to join me. Me and my former school leader Mr. Echeverria sat down for hours finishing the application and we got accepted. I wanted to provide a experience that these kids never had before. I knew what the LA Marathon did for me at my age and knew the positive impact it could have on them at such a young age.

What is your favorite memory (so far!) from SRLA?
Hmmmm.... I want to say our Carb Loading for the LA Marathon. We did it at Shakeys. I surprised our secondary leader and students with inviting their best friends, and homeroom teachers. The homeroom teachers and best-friends of the students/leader recorded a motivational video for them and also purchased a thoughtful gift for them, as well. We also played the arcade games until we won 10,000+ tickets to purchase this light up thing we've been wanting to win for a very long time! I also flew my mom out from New York to see my students complete the LA Marathon. She was able to meet my students and their parents.

What has been your biggest challenge as a leader? How did you overcome it?
I would say just juggling everything at once. I am also the Athletic Director at my school, and PE Teacher so I wear a lot of hats. When other sports came into session I would make sure to attend those games, manage coaches, fundraise for supplies for sports, and also spend quality time with my students outside of school.

What’s something that people might be surprised to learn about you?
Hmmmm I'm quiet and calm. I know most people see my energy level always on 10 but I bring that for our kiddo's. I love to be hype but I also love relaxing and listening to calm music.

What is your favorite training tip, quote, or words of advice that you share with your students?
The Grind never Stops | Hard work beats talent when talent isn't working hard

What is something about SRLA that brings you joy?
Seeing our students pushed beyond their limits. It's been so many times when our students back has been against the wall and they've done nothing but come out even stronger. They never back down from a challenge.

Anything else you'd like to share?
I would like to say thank you to SRLA for accepting us and providing these opportunities to so many students. Completing a marathon changes lives!

Rapid Fire!
My favorite race has been...
Virtual Half Marathon! We had so much support from our families, and parents who came out to see us complete that run. It was so much joy brought to us by them and ourselves. My favorite race for real!
The longest run I've ever finished was...

LA Marathon! 26.2

My favorite place to run is...
All over the city of LA. I hate staying in one place. If a light turns red I rather turn somewhere else to keep going

My favorite post-run snack...
Has to be In n Out

The best part of every race is...
The moment when it doesn't hurt and you have runners high. Like you are in the zone and you aren't even focusing on how long the run is but the joy from it.


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