Wisdom From Students: Tips for Your First 5K

Earlier this week, we asked returning SRLA Students and leaders what advice they have for runners taking on their first 5K. With the Homeboy 5K Run/Walk taking place next weekend, we thought now was the perfect time to share their advice with you.

Here are SRLA’s tips for first time 5K runners…

Never look back, look ahead to the finish line.
Smiling helps the miles fly by!
Don’t worry about finishing time.
Eat lots of bananas.
Do not give up! Even though you are tired slow jog instead of walking. YOU’VE GOT IT!
Have fun and enjoy it! First of many! Stretch after you run and drink water!”
Don’t worry about everybody else’s pace/results. Whatever your results are, work on improving them.
Relax your shoulders and have an ‘I can do it!’ mindset.
Wear the right shoes and socks!
Don’t start off too fast.
Pace yourself, breath, and enjoy your run!

SRLA students will be taking on their first 5K of the 2021 - 2022 Season next Saturday at the Homeboy 5K Run/Walk. We hope you’ll join us in cheering students on to the finish line.

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