Meet the Alumni: Dulce!

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Meet Dulce! Dulce ran with Belvedere Middle School and Francisco Bravo Medical magnet High School SRLA team. She completed marathons with SRLA from 2012 - 2017.


Do you have a favorite SRLA memory?

I made so many great memories throughout the years running with SRLA if I had to pick one, I’d say carrying the SRLA banners the first mile with my friends and coaches from Belvedere MS.

Do you remember any specific challenges training as a student?

Making time for homework after a long day of school and practice was challenging, but ultimately I think the biggest challenge was staying committed to both running and having good grades.

What are you doing now?

I’m a student athlete at CSULA finishing my B.S in Industrial Engineering and currently an intern at a bioengineering facility with Johnson & Johnson.

What lessons did you learn in SRLA that you still use today, if any?

I learned so much throughout the years, one of my biggest lessons being about determination and consistency. Even when you’re in a slump, you’re still taking a step forward.

Do you have any advice for current SRLA students, related to life and or running?

Honestly, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone! In life and running.

Rapid Fire!

A few more questions - just for fun!

Do you still run?

Yes for fun now. Might get back into the competitive field down the road 😃

What was your favorite SRLA race?

I loved the Holiday Half marathon at Fairfax.

What did you have to have with you at every race?

My watch!

What SRLA gear (if any) do you still have?

I have a whole container of shirts from every SRLA race.


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