Senior Stories: Perla, Learning to be Proud of Yourself

Perla at her graduation from Aspire Ollin University Prep.

Perla at her graduation from Aspire Ollin University Prep.

Perla is a SRLA Scholarship recipient. She is a recent graduate of Aspire Ollin University Prep in Huntington Park. SRLA taught Perla to have a growth mindset, to persevere, and to be proud of herself. Perla has participated in SRLA for 4 years and will attend Santa Monica College!

Never in my life would I have imagined to run a marathon. Not one, but three. Before joining Students Run LA, I was never one to try new things. I was never one to participate in sports, or any activities for that matter. In fact, in P.E. I always walked the miles, so running a marathon seemed barbaric to me. I thought: Why would someone ever do that to themselves? Running for fun was so strange to me. Still, I was curious as to what it would be like to cross a finish line, or the feeling of hanging up a medal on a wall. Curiosity led me to join my school's team, and my freshman self did not know what she was getting herself into. There were many times when I wanted to quit because I didn’t exactly find joy in running. Everyone who knew me heard my complaints, and they told me to just do it, to quit if it’s not making me happy. However, I didn’t do it for happiness. I did it to feel accomplished. I wanted to make myself proud for once in my life.

I did not give up. I kept pushing, even if I hated it, and I’m glad I stayed because SRLA gave me so much. It gave me more than what I could ask for. It gave me a friend, who has been my running buddy ever since. She was a big reason as to why I did not quit because she made running fun. Something I never thought was possible. When we ran, we’d crack jokes to forget the pain. We were always last, but laughing while out of breath was the best with her. To this day, she is one of my closest friends, and we pretty much do everything together!

SRLA gave me the positive mindset that I lacked and needed.

SRLA gave me the positive mindset that I lacked and needed. It made me realize how powerful the mind can be, and I am so much stronger than I give myself credit for. I realized this when I completed my third marathon back in 2020. That was the hardest marathon I ever had to complete. My knee began to hurt on the third mile, and I ran in pain for the rest of the race. I shed many tears, I limped my way through, and kept telling myself, “I can’t do this anymore. I can’t.” I remember looking around, watching the many people pass me by. The time ticking, never stopping. I felt helpless. I began to believe I wasn’t going to make it. I was so close to telling a volunteer to take me home because the pain was unbearable. I wondered how I even ran the last two marathons, and that's when I remembered my old coach’s words, “Running is 90 percent mental and the rest is physical.” He was right. The whole time I kept telling myself all these negative things, and not a single positive one. Immediately, I thought about all the good that would happen if I crossed the finish line: the applause, the beach breeze hitting my face, the medal, the hoodie, the food, and lastly, the smile I would give myself in the mirror to say, “You did it!”To me, there is no better feeling than being proud of yourself, and I stand by that. I'm proud I finished that marathon. I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I am especially proud that I am no longer that pessimistic girl who hated running.

Anything is possible with the right attitude...
Perla and her Aspire Ollin Univeristy Prep SRLA team.

Perla and her Aspire Ollin Univeristy Prep SRLA team.

I love the feeling of accomplishment it gives me after, even if it’s just one mile. SRLA has definitely influenced me for the better, because now I’m stronger, both mentally and physically. I know that if I set my mind to something, it will get done. Anything is possible with the right attitude, and I will take that with me wherever I go. Earlier, I told myself I couldn’t do this scholarship because of how burned out I am, but look at me, finishing this scholarship. I am proud to say that it’s harder for me to give up now because I am a fighter whose negative thoughts will no longer be in control. I know that with hardships, I will only come out stronger and wiser. I am proud of the person I am today. Yes I cry often, but I always pick myself back up. I wipe my own tears and get back to the grind. I am proud of myself. I am proud to be that student who ran LA, once thinking it was barbaric. SRLA is truly life changing, and I thank you guys for everything.


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