Senior Stories: Assael, Turning Obstacles into Opportunity

Assael with his SRLA teammates.

Assael with his SRLA teammates.

Assael is a SRLA Scholarship recipient! He has participated in SRLA for 2 years, and has completed 2 marathons. Assael will be attending UCLA!

Throughout my childhood, I grew up playing soccer and running. The joy that was brought from the satisfaction of scoring a goal or beating my mile time was my outlet in forgetting about the unfortunate circumstance I was born in. However, doing these activities also opened my eyes to who wasn’t on the sidelines, award nights, or in my life; my father.

The realization that my father wasn’t around brought a feeling of neglect seeing the difference between me and these kids I ran and played with. These feelings had a direct impact on my academics. In middle school, I had zero desire to succeed. My grades suffered as a result of my worries centered around my circumstances at home. However, my transition to high school made me realize that my attitude had to change. I could no longer pity myself for my conditions so I sought ways to strengthen my mentality and use my past to push myself to become better and pursue my own goals. For this reason, I joined SRLA to do what less than one percent of the world accomplish: run a marathon.

However, being in SRLA made me realize that running for long distances was a lot easier said than done. Being a student, I had to balance training with my academics. I’d wake up to train at 5AM and within hours rush to school to participate. Training was also adjusting to pain. Running 20 miles per week and completing 30K’s was more than physical training; it was a game of the mind. Although it was difficult and my body felt weak, my mind was strong and awake. This is what pushed me past the final stretch emotionally, physically, and academically.

My greatest obstacles have become my greatest motivations.

Assael’s graduation from Lawndale High School.

My greatest obstacles have become my greatest motivations. Being in SRLA not only taught me grit, time-management, and determination, but it also motivated me to push forward past wounds left by my father. Being in SRLA taught me to set my own goals and become independent, creating my own motivation for transcending pain. These lessons I learned through SRLA reflected on my academic achievement. I went into every class with a plan and goal that I strived to achieve in the same way I strived to achieve putting on my running shoes to do what most would consider impossible. Although my circumstances weren’t ideal, SRLA allowed me to let go through learning these principles of resilience that have become essential, and allowing me to challenge myself to achieve goals that contribute to my self-worth and success through delayed gratification.


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