Captain Profile: Chelsea, Numbers Do Not Define Us

Chelsea is the SRLA Captain at Dorsey High School. This year she is training to complete her second marathon with Students Run LA and motivating her teammates in the process.

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What motivated you to join SRLA?

Seeing how happy every student was to participate in the team despite them being nervous for the longer races.

What motivated you to become an SRLA Captain?

I played about 7 different sports before finding my home in SRLA. Something about the kind of connection we all had & the fondness of running that came over me motivated me to want to lead & inspire our group.

What has been your biggest challenge so far as Captain? How did you overcome it?

My greatest challenge as Captain was comparing my times with others. I struggled with accepting my pace & would feel like I was too slow or unfit to run or lead my team with my time, but I realized that my numbers are not a reflection of who I am which only motivated me to work harder until I was happy with my time.

What is one thing you want to accomplish as Captain?

I want all of the younger students to know that they don’t have to be like anyone else. They are valid no matter what their pace or times are. Though at some point the numbers matter, they do not define who you are & that shouldn’t stop your motivation.

Anything else you'd like to share?

A special thank you to Mr. Sheehan & Ms. Broussard for always motivating me during the times I doubted myself. You are both the best coaches any student could ever have! I am incredibly lucky to have your support.

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Fun facts about Chelsea:

Do you listen to music while you run? Yes, music all the way!

Sidewalk or trails? Sidewalk

Water or sports drink? Water

One thing I can't run without is... Music!

My favorite place to run is… the Beach

My favorite post-run snack is… Fruit

The best part of every race is… Seeing the smiles of all the students who complete a race!



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