Michelle: Standing Together

Michelle completed the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon with SRLA. In this week’s blog she share’s her journey to this year’s marathon.

SRLA has really impacted my life in a positive way for many reasons. This last marathon was my second marathon with SRLA and both marathons were really tough to get through.

Michelle and her teammates at Dodgers Stadium

Michelle and her teammates at Dodgers Stadium

The first marathon I ran was last year and the whole season was amazing because I met so many new people who I became really close to. They all helped me get through my first season. My second season came and I was so excited to be a returner to the team. I was fortunate enough to be named captain of the team. I led all the stretches, gave our last chant after each practice, and made sure everyone wasn't playing around or breaking any rules.

This season was the best out of the two mainly because of all the new people I met. Last season I did know everyone, but I never really talked to many people on the team. This season, I talked to everyone on the team. We all got to talk and create so many new memories. I especially got extremely close to my friend Susie, who I had known for two years, and my new friend I met the first day of practice, Raven.

All three of us made it to the team, and we ran every race together. They really helped me through every race, especially through the 18-mile and the marathon. For the marathon, my back was in so much pain by mile 10, I had to stop running for a couple miles. Throughout the whole pain, they stood with me the whole time. We all suffered together as running the marathon really impacted all three of us. I really owe it to them for helping me get through when I was in so much pain.

Michelle and her teammates showing off their Los Angeles Marathon finisher medals.

Michelle and her teammates showing off their Los Angeles Marathon finisher medals.


Even though both marathons were painful, I'm so glad I got the chance to do it. I doubted myself at first, but getting through two marathons now, I proved to myself that I can get through anything if I set my mind to it and that friendship is the best and can really take you far. I'm excited for my next and sadly last season with SRLA, and if I get the chance again, to be captain. If not, that's okay, as long as I can be apart of this wonderful team. My last year next year, I have to make it count. 

You can help students like Michelle and her teammates prove they are capable of anything they put their mind to, donate at srla.org/donate.