Leader Spotlight: Mr. Coronel

Mr. Coronel (far right) and his SRLA Group showing off their Los Angeles Marathon finisher medals and t-shirts.

Mr. Coronel (far right) and his SRLA Group showing off their Los Angeles Marathon finisher medals and t-shirts.

Mr. Coronel is the SRLA Marathon Leader at Polytechnice high school and one of this years Star Award recipients!

What do your students call you?

Coronel, Mr. Coronel, or simply Coach

Where are you a SRLA leader? How many years have you been with SRLA and what brought you to us?

What brought me to SRLA was my passion for running. I didn't know it at the time (back when I was 15) that I actually enjoy running. I started running 3 miles with the LAPD Explorer Program and was first introduced to SRLA by Officer Frias when I was 20 years old. In 2003, I accomplished my 1st LA Marathon with SRLA through LAPD.

Mr. Coronel and Ms. Kwok before the start at the Los Angeles Marathon

Mr. Coronel and Ms. Kwok before the start at the Los Angeles Marathon

Side note #1 - My high school PE teacher in 10th grade was Ms. Kwock (SRLA Leader) and when I was 15-17 yrs. old volunteering with the LAPD Explorers during traffic control for the LA Marathon I would see Ms. Kwock running the course. Who would have known I would have followed in her footsteps?

Side note #2 - My 9th grade PE teacher was Ms. Hom (SRLA Leader for Marshall) and when I was in 9th grade, I wanted to run the LA Marathon but I didn't have the time and wasn't able to commit to SRLA. Now it seems I have plenty of time. LOL.

I am currently at Polytechnic High School and have been the SRLA Primary Leader since 2018. Before that, I was the secondary leader and support staff for Contreras in 2007, 2013, 2015, 2017.

What is your day job? 

My day job is being a high school math teacher. I have taught Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calc. AP Calculus AB/BC, Leadership, Yearbook, and Advisory. I was also a certified Zumba instructor back in 2012.

What is your favorite training tip, quote, or words of advice that you share with your students?

My advice to my students before we head out on a run is "Get your playlist ready". I love music and find that it helps to complete my runs - especially the longer ones. Some tips for y'all...if you are tired of Spotify, try FitRadio or SoundCloud. Enjoy!

What has been your favorite SRLA event of all time?

My favorite event of all time would be the Halloween Puente Run. It was nice going through the neighborhood and seeing the community cheer on the runners - especially the little kids giving high fives to the runners. I also loved being challenged by the "hill" twice. You know what I mean if you have even ran it. I miss that run.

What is the best thing about SRLA in your opinion? 

The best thing about SRLA is the positive adult-youth relationships. Being a mentor to students has been an honor and rewarding experience. Seeing the students mature and lead by assuming the role of "Captain" has been a joy to see. Of course being able to provide a free marathon experience is also great but the little things are also nice - like making someone smile because of a joke someone made or wishing them well on a run.

Mr. Coronel and his SRLA group group showing off their Los Angeles Marathon Finisher medals.

Mr. Coronel and his SRLA group group showing off their Los Angeles Marathon Finisher medals.

What’s something that people might be surprised to learn about you? 

Hmmm... I already told you I was a Zumba instructor. LOL! You will probably be surprised that I choreographed my Zumba routine after school in my classroom as I prepared to teach at a dance studio at 8pm. It was a nice way to make some extra cash. The hype was real. I still attend Zumba classes when I can. I love to dance!

Oh and one more thing...I have done the Trifecta for Spartan, Ragnar Trail Run (3x), and Tough Mudder (2x).

Do you have a favorite teaching/mentoring moment you’d like to share?

My favorite teaching moment was being able to finish the marathon with my students both this year and last. For some reason, I am hearing Harry's voice (something about breaking a PR versus being there for the kids). Last year, I came in with Anthony whom was getting cramps and I could tell he was happy to finish the marathon. We continue to talk about that moment to this day. He finished his second marathon this year. This year, the student I finished with had several PE teachers doubt she could accomplish a marathon because she had back surgery and I am so glad she was able to prove them wrong. Seeing the joy in the students' faces as they crossed the finish line is an experience no words can describe.

Anything else you want to share? 

Thank you SRLA for making this possible. The kids are lucky and blessed to have this amazing program. Thank you sponsors for making this possible. Thank you staff for being flexible and supportive of all coaches. Thank you Harry for keeping it real at our SRLA meetings and thanks Paul for always making us laugh at the leader meetings. One day, I will guess how many candies are in the jar!

You can support SRLA Leaders like Mr. Coronel and help us continue to provide mentorship opportunities to the next generation of students, srla.org/donate.