Meaghan: A Sense of Accomplishment
Meaghan is a first year SRLA student - this is the story of why she joined the program and what she’s learned already…
Hi, my name is Meaghan and this year is currently my first time doing SRLA. It’s always been goal to get involved with SRLA for the past 3 years and I finally told myself, “Hey, you got this you can do anything you put your mind to”, and so here I am 2 weeks into training. I attend San Pedro High School Police Academy and I am currently running with the LAPD Cadet Program at 77th division.
Its has been a great and awesome experience to be doing something proactive that will help you become mentally and psychically stronger and if I am being honest these past few days training just gives you a sense of accomplishment that makes you feel good about yourself and it feels AWESOME!
Meaghan with her team from San Pedro High School, after a run.
First day of training my group ran from Newport beach to Balboa Beach then back, and let me just say those four miles it felt very hard. In the beginning it was great, your heart is pumping, legs are moving, upbeat music is playing, the sun is warming you up, and you’re getting that run on. Fast forward to at least 2.5 miles you just start feeling a little queasy, but I kept pushing myself because my goal was to finish, I was not the fastest in the group but one thing is for sure all of us had a main goal in mind and that was to finish.
Towards the 3.2 mile mark according to my technology device I decided to push myself and go faster then I was going, it wasn’t a bad feeling it was actually what helped me realize that limits that I think I have are just all in my head, and finishing at the end was awesome the speed and adrenaline you feel is just something unexplainable that feels so great.
Meaghan and her teammates with their finishers medals after a “surprise” 5K.
For this past week leading up to today (September 8,2019) I’ve been running almost everyday, I am proud to have ran a 5k with my best time that I have done ever, although the 5k was a surprise by our leader and mentor it was a great challenge.
My main goal is that SRLA helps me be mentally strong and fit, but also to learn self discipline, determination, and teamwork. I hope to make all the people that support and believe in me proud.
Meaghan is a first time SRLA runner. This year she will train for and run the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon. You can support Meagan and her teammates at