SRLA Alumna and Elite Marathoner, Katja, Visits Hamilton SRLA
This Monday, SRLA Alumna and elite marathoner Katja Goldring visited her alma mater, Hamilton High School, to meet with students, answer questions, and share the impact running has had on her life. Jose, a senior member of the Hamilton SRLA group, shared the experience in this weeks blog.
Marathon Leader, Susan (right), introduces Katja (left) to the group.
As part of the 2019-2020 Hamilton High SRLA team, I think I speak for everyone when I say that running the half-marathon was a huge accomplishment -- and an important step towards running the LA Marathon in 2020. The day after the half-marathon, we were delighted to be visited by Katja Goldring, professional runner and Hamilton High alumnus (Class of ‘08). She began talking to us by making funny remarks, claiming that the first marathon she ran, she did it because she heard about getting free shoes and claiming that,“the marathon was fun… when it was over.” She then began to inspire us all, referring to us as “the next generation of runners” and telling us that running helped her get into UCLA. She urged us to get the most out of ourselves and set goals, because goals unite us as runners; most importantly, she reminded us to always keep running for FUN and to be patient when waiting to see our improvement.
Katja walks the group through her pre-run warm up routine.
Before inviting the Hamilton SRLA to run through her warm-up routine, Katja took a few questions from the Hamilton runners. She gave us advice -- in response to student questions -- to prepare for the marathon as well to become better runners, such as: not overcomplicating our “diets” (just making sure we eat enough and healthily), to take breaks when necessary (“listen to your body”), and to always stay hydrated. A very recurring piece of advice throughout Katja’s visit was to always keep running fun and to live for the moment. She claimed that a big part -- probably the most important -- of running (the marathon specifically), is the memories that are formed as part of the experience, such as the friendships made as well as fun moments, like getting ice cream after a long run.
Overall, Katja’s visit to Hamilton served as a positive experience for all of the SRLA team. As a Hamilton alumna, I feel like there was really a connection between Katja and the runners: one full with school spirit and passion for running. We are all grateful for the experience and honor of sharing a bonding moment and warm-up routine with Katja. And remember: ALWAYS KEEP RUNNING FUN.
Katja poses with the Hamilton SRLA group after answering questions and walking the group through her warm-up routine.
Find out in Katja’s own words the impacts SRLA has had on her life. You can support the students at Hamilton SRLA to keep running towards bigger and brighter futures by making a contribution at