Senior Stories: Galilea, Persevering Through Senior Year

Galilea was the only senior in her SRLA team so she put her leadership skills to the test. She experienced many bonding moments with her younger teammates and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment when she helped them achieve their goals. Galilea plans on attending Cal Poly San Luis Obispo as a Business Administration student.

Galilea with her SRLA medals!

When I came into my senior year at school, I did not realize that I would be graduating with the support of so many people, including a team that has worked extremely hard to get where they are now. With a strong cross-country and track team at our school, very few people were interested in joining our SRLA team. In truth, it took me almost a full month after I had first seen a SRLA advertisement before I decided I wanted to commit to the team. In the weeks following, I would come to realize that putting my heart into something by committing fully would lead me to reach extraordinary heights. As the only senior in our team, I had a moment where I realized that I could use all my previous leadership skills here, to their fullest extent. I had many moments bonding with my younger team members, whether it being stressing over assignments after practice or hinting at how the next school year would go. During practice, it made me so happy to see how our small group pushed to grow, as I encouraged them each and every time. The early mornings, group celebrations, and heartwarming moments fueled me to our goal at the LA Marathon. Through my own progress with SRLA, I was able to do things that not many can say they have. I was able to see just how much dedication and perseverance shaped me in a physical way, killing the self-doubt and strain that had haunted me through my senior year stress. I could not be more thankful that I made the decision to stay with my team, through the continued shrinking of our small group all the way to the picnic that we enjoyed together after the LA Marathon.

I was able to see just how much dedication and perseverance shaped me in a physical way, killing the self-doubt and strain that had haunted me through my senior year stress.

As I go into college, I will sadly leave my team behind. However, I know that my heart is lighter, and my footsteps are reminders of what I can do. I pushed myself to my limits this year, and flew with growth on new wings. My small, supportive team, with its members finding themselves ready to begin their next school year, had opened a path for me to find myself. I will not falter, I will persevere; I will not fall, because they have shown me that running heals and can light the way to a world of opportunities- but only if you have the dedication for it. 


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