Marcia: Endless Support

Marcia is an 11h grader at Marquez High School. She will be running her second LA Marathon in less than two weeks, and was excited to share what her marathon journey has meant to her…

What motivated you to join SRLA?
Seeing my sister be apart of SRLA since I was very little motivated me to also take on the challenge. I loved going to watch her every year and cheering on the people while they passed so ever since then I knew that I wanted to complete a marathon too.

What is your favorite memory (so far!) from SRLA?
My favorite memory would be seeing so many supportive people cheering me on in the marathon. They honestly helped me so much to keep going.

What has been your biggest challenge as an SRLA Runner? How did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge as an SRLA Runner would be probably finding the motivation to go on runs sometimes. Also during quarantine when we were told to run alone, I just mentally and physically could not. I was so drained and devastated in myself because when I tried it just would not work out.

What is one of your goals in SRLA?
One of my goals in SRLA is to keep up with my running partners throughout the marathon.

What is something about SRLA that brings you joy?
I love that there is endless amounts of support from everyone, especially when we do our races. It really makes me happy when I see SRLA leaders cheering for us or the people on the side.

Anything else you’d like to share?
By joining SRLA I was able to take some time for myself. When I run I do not think about anything that stresses my mind. So by being a part of SRLA, I have become more calm and less negative towards myself.

Rapid Fire! A few more questions - just for fun…

Do you listen to music while you run? Music all the way!

Sidewalk or trails? Sidewalk

Water or sports drink? Water

One thing I can't run without is... My portable charger

My favorite place to run is... The beach

Favorite post-run snack... Granola Bars and Bananas

The best part of every race is... Being closer to the finish line where everyone is cheering you on


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