Jeffrey: Running for Fun

Pasadena Half Marathon blog Contest: In his winning entry below, Jeffrey shares how excited he was join SRLA and how he has carried that enthusiasm through 3 years in the program by spreading fun to his fellow runners…

Jeffrey (right) with a teammate before the Holiday Half, excited for a fun and challenging run!

Jeffrey (right) with a teammate before the Holiday Half, excited for a fun and challenging run!

So I am Jeffrey and I’ve been running SRLA for about 3 years now, so far I love every moment of it (loved it so much I even ran in a banana costume in some races) but I remember the first year was so exciting to me it was a lot of fun along with the second year and now for the third year I enjoy it as well seeing the races I’ve already ran. I think the end of each race is the best part knowing you’ve ran a race and better yet a medal and free stuff!

I have been wanting to run SRLA for so long when I was in elementary seeing how my big brother always ran each race and when he would tell me about them and how cool they were, guess he is the reason why I’ve started running haven’t stopped yet. Right now I’m in middle school about to go to high school called CNCA Dalzell Lance and knowing yet they have SRLA so hopefully I can keep running and hope one day I can be first in the marathon.

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