Leader Spotlight - Coach Gee


Congratulations to Coach Gee! A dedicated SRLA Leader at Mt. Gleason, she has been part of the SRLA program since 2012. After experiencing a stroke, she had to relearn everything from scratch. By sharing her struggles with her team, she showed them that it's possible to overcome even the toughest challenges. Coach Gee believes SRLA changes not just students' lives, but also families, schools, and communities. This May, she was honored with the SRLA Star Award for her unwavering commitment and outstanding leadership.

What motivated you to become an SRLA Leader?
Witnessing firsthand how this program transforms students from the inside out was incredibly inspiring. Experiencing these changes in myself gave me the courage to step up and lead.

What is your favorite memory (so far!) from SRLA?
Too hard to pick one! It's a tie between watching my son complete his first marathon and the moment he told me I could do it when I mentioned I might want to try. Both were deeply moving experiences.

What has been your biggest challenge as a leader? How did you overcome it?
The toughest part has been training and being responsible for a team while getting parents on board with the program. I started building up the parents, emphasizing how crucial they are to the success of their runners and the team's overall achievements.

What’s something that people may be surprised to learn about you?
I had a stroke and had to relearn almost everything.
During my recovery, I relied heavily on the lessons this program taught me. I shared my struggles with our team so they could see that it's possible to overcome even the hardest challenges..

What is your favorite words of advice that you share with your students?
When you think you can't do it, know that your coaches know you can. You are stronger than you think, and there's greatness within you. Don't be afraid to let it out.

What is something about SRLA that brings you joy?
Seeing the faces of our runners when they reach a milestone they thought was impossible. Whether it's running a distance, conditioning, or even excelling in math or reading, they learn to push themselves in every area of life thanks to SRLA..

Anything else you would like to share?

SRLA doesn't just change students; it changes families, schools, communities, and now generations. I love being a part of this program. The camaraderie shared by everyone in SRLA truly feels like a big family.


Rapid Fire!
My favorite race has been...
Any race where I can see the ocean!
The longest run I've ever finished was...


One thing I can't run without is...

My phone.

My favorite place to run is...

Santa Monica (to see the ocean, of course!)

My favorite post-run snack...
A great burger or pancakes!


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