Leader Spotlight - Mr. Orduna


Mr. Orduna is one of the SRLA leaders at Venice High School. Recently he was honored with an SRLA Star Award for his commitment to unselfishly and enthusiastically providing outstanding leadership…

What motivated you to become an SRLA Leader?
My youngest daughter was born a year and a half earlier and I had some extra pounds to lose!

What is your favorite memory (so far!) from SRLA?
This year, because I helped a student with a heart condition finish the Marathon!

What has been your biggest challenge as a leader? How did you overcome it?
My biggest challenge as a leader was figuring out how to get my student with Tricuspid Atresia across the LA Marathon finish line.

What’s something that people might be surprised to learn about you?
I cry every time I watch "This is Us".

What is your favorite training tip, quote, or words of advice that you share with your students?
Make sure you carry baby wipes with you, because you never know if the Porta-Potty has toilet paper!

What is something about SRLA that brings you joy?
Watching the students' confidence grow over the season from saying " 10 miles!" to " only 10 miles today".

Anything else you'd like to share?
This is a wonderful program and I hope to be a part of it for a long time!

Rapid Fire!
My favorite race has been...
Pomona Holiday Half Marathon
The longest run I've ever finished was...

A marathon

One thing I can't run without is...

My watch and baby wipes!

The beach

My favorite post-run snack...
Under 10 miles: Fruit- Over 10 miles: Burger/Steak/ Burrito

The best part of every race is...
Seeing the students finish!


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