Jesus: Strength is All in the Mind

Jesus is one of the many SRLA Students who completed the Rose Bowl half in January of 2022. He is an 8th grader at Marco Forster Middle School and enjoyed completing the run alongside his teammates. This was Jesus’ first time completing the Rose Bowl Half Marathon.

Jesus recently answered some questions from SRLA to reflect on the most memorable moments from his run.

What new place or thing did you discover during the Rose Bowl Half Marathon?

The City of Pasadena

How did you feel entering into Rose Bowl Stadium?

Excited actually. It was my first time entering to an actual stadium.

What was the most challenging part of the run?
That sensation where you've been running for a long time that your legs started to give up.

What was your favorite part of the run?


Were there any moments when a fellow member of the running community helped you during the event?

My coach helped me when she passed me while I was close to finishing the run. She helped by noting that I've been running for a long time and yet I'm so close to finishing. At that moment I gave my 110% effort to finish it up.

What advice do you have for someone who is planning to run the Rose Bowl Half Marathon next year?

Have fun with it. It may seem like a lot of miles even though its a wonderful place to run at. Tired is only on the body but strength is all in the mind. Just never give up and you'll make it.


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