Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!

This weekend SRLA handed out over 3,000 pairs of Nike shoes, Bombas socks, and many shirts donated by The McCourt Foundation.

Shoe distribution is a major milestone in the SRLA marathon training season. The event recognizes the commitment students have made to completing the Los Angeles Marathon in March and provides them with a pair of running shoes to support their training.This year, students also received a pair of running socks, donated by Bombas, and training t-shirts, donated by The McCourt Foundation.

Teachers handed the shoes out to SRLA students throughout this week to help them prepare for the SRLA Foundation Half Marathon, which will be taking place virtually this weekend. During the virtual half marathon, SRLA runners will complete 13.1-mile runs with their teammates in parks, neighborhoods, and schools all across LA.

During the shoe distribution, SRLA Leaders also delivered canned goods that their students had collected as a part of the "Yes, We CAN!" SRLA Cares project. On Sunday, Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission came by the office to collect the donated goods. A huge thank you to all the students and leaders who participated!

With new shoes on their feet, SRLA students are ready to kick-off winter break and move into the next phase of their marathon training. This year, some SRLA students will be participating in the Holiday Break 50 Mile Challenge. As a part of this challenge, SRLA students will push themselves to run a total of 50 or more miles during the three week holiday break, December 18th - January 9th.

It’s through the support of volunteers, alumni, parents, and community members like YOU that all this is possible! You are the force that keeps SRLA students moving forward towards a brighter future. Now, you have the power to keep the next class of students running strong. Please consider making a special year-end donation to keep SRLA running! Donate here.

Check out some of our favorite pictures of students as they received their shoes this week…



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