Senior Stories: Lizveth, Strength in Others
Meet Lizveth!
Lizveth just recently graduated from Alliance Gertz High as a member of SRLA for five years. She is a recipient of the SRLA Scholarship, as well as the the Honda Power of Dreams Scholarship. Read about how SRLA impacted Lizveth’s dreams and drive to achieve them.
I believe my team had a strong connection. Our coaches constantly pushed us to pass our limit and reach each finish line. This past season I had the honor of being the team captain. Having five years of experience, I acted as a mentor for incoming runners. I encouraged them to push their limits and focus on the results just like previous team leaders and coaches.
There is one particular moment as a team leader that I will never forget. We had an incoming freshman on the team, and it was his first year with SRLA. He struggled to keep up with the team, and I saw myself in him, reflecting back on my first year. I decided to start running with him, giving him advice, encouraging him to not worry about being a natural runner. Instead, I told him to keep pushing and never give up on being a runner.
“This was not only an after school program, it felt like a second family. ”
“I want to feel that same sense of accomplishment that I feel finishing a marathon.”
I was motivated to go into higher education because I saw graduated seniors continue to be part of SRLA in some way. SRLA provided me with the opportunity to become close with seniors that gave me advice on being prepared for college applications, scholarships, etc. One of my closest friends during my time with SRLA was a senior, and I had the pleasure of being her teammate for two years. Listening to her talk about going to college and being a first-generation college student inspired me to pursue higher education. Making these special connections and looking up to past senior classes made me set my long term goal of going to college and graduating. .
Going to college is like a marathon because it can take four years or more and it is a bigger emotional roller coaster where there will be times where I will be tested to go on or give up. I think pursuing a higher education will set an example for other students. No matter your socioeconomic status or ethnicity, you are capable of accomplishing great things. I come from a low income, first-generation family but my goal is to go to college and pursue a study that can help myself and others.
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