Robert: Strength of Mind

Robert is the SRLA Group Captain at Hilda Solis Learning Academy, he submitted his blog online and his passion for running and leadership is worth sharing.

Robert and his team mates celebrate finishing the LADF 5K.

Robert and his team mates celebrate finishing the LADF 5K.

My name is Robert, I am seventeen years old and I am the current captain of the SRLA team in my school. I would like to thank you for the opportunity given to me in the last three seasons.

I remember when I was first recruited for the program. I was about to decline for the simple fact that I would be forced to wake up early in the morning to run the required miles. My father told me that I should at least give it a try and then, if I did not like it just, leave it. I certainly took the right decision when I did. Everything started as a mere hobby, but the more I ran, the more I wanted to force myself. During the first season, we had not enough spots for all the runners and I was not supposed to run that first marathon. However, one of the runners offered not only a spot, but a whole new experience.

Robert and team after the Holiday Half!

Robert and team after the Holiday Half!

If I am honest, I have not a real motive for running the marathon other than to see how far I can get. That was enough for me. At the beginning the races were simple. Then, slowly, we moved to different areas, and during the events, I found new languages, new cultures, new people and new places. Meanwhile, I found a family in my team. There were always times when I wished I could just stop running and then I would ask myself why I would I choose to run over and over. Every time, as egocentric and selfish as this may seem, the answer was always the same during my first two seasons; not everyone is capable to finish a marathon, not everyone is able to do it for free, not everyone has the opportunity that you have and once you’re done, you will go home, sleep, eat and have a great talk of how you achieved what a few can.

Everything changed this season. In this season, I have learned to lead a team along with my teacher. From my partners, I have learned that will is all you need in order to achieve any goal anyone has. They have showed me the strength of the mind even when everything seemed to be against them. I also learned to listen to my body. When I can go faster, when I should go slower and the way it likes to run. I found my pleasure in running.

Now that I have completed three marathons, I would like to prepare myself for the next one. I wish to see how far I can get running. I want my family to be proud of me, especially my brother, who just finished his first marathon. Running has given me a new passion, and you have given me the opportunity to run.

You can help student’s like Robert develop strength of mind through the life changing journey of training for a marathon by making a donation at