Alumni Leader Feature: Mutual Support

Victor has seen all parts of the SRLA program - a runner, a friend, a leader, and now an alumnus. He dropped by the office recently on a trip back to LA from his new home in Washington and shared the story of how SRLA has impacted has impacted his career and life…

Victor alongside students at the Honda Power of Dreams event.

Victor alongside students at the Honda Power of Dreams event.


Shoes and the free shirts we get may not last, but what will… are the friendships, influences and connections. This is something I recently heard from one of the SRLA founders and my story echoes that thought. Many of my students value my work, ethics and personality. Though it’s many of them who have inspired me to do better. After going through school at California State University, Northridge, I am now a television news reporter for the CBS affiliate in Yakima, Washington. I truly believe it is because of SRLA that I’ve accomplished many of my goals.

Victor (left) and a student after completing the Holiday Half.

Victor (left) and a student after completing the Holiday Half.

I began running with Student’s Run L.A. during my senior year in 2009. I was shy and had very few acquaintances, let alone friends. I also weighed 180 pounds. By the time I completed my first season, I weighed 125 pounds. I continued running with SRLA as a friend and a couple of years later, I became a leader at Fairfax High School.

I didn’t think much of college, post high school, for which I was rather focused on my job at the time. During the 2011-2012 season, students, who later became friends, would tell me about their excitement for college. That sparked my motivation to apply for college and study Broadcast Journalism, an industry I’ve been obsessed about since I was little.

Having to work and pay for rent, deal with homework and finals all made it very difficult for me to manage my time. However, SRLA is where students told me about their countless hours they spent towards school, yet manage to train for a marathon. Yet, they would allow me to mentor them. That kind of mutual support is something I value and keep with me.

Victor hard at work as a news reporter!

Victor hard at work as a news reporter!

For instance, there are times when I think, “Would some of my friends or students approve if I did this or that?”

Throughout my time with SRLA, I went from being an intern at KABC-TV, to a news assistant, freelance news photographer, renting my own condo and then landing a job as a news reporter. All this happened with the thought that my friends and students are watching my actions. It’s something similar I’ve found SRLA runners to also do. Whether it was to eat healthier, finish a race under a specific time, or many who do it out of a sense of pride to show their family and friends what they’re capable of. This is the kind of people the program generates. 

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