The primary concern of Students Run LA (SRLA) is the health and safety of all SRLA participants, including SRLA Leaders, students, volunteers, and their families. These pandemic times are difficult for all of us, but we, at SRLA, are in it for the long run! Our goal is to ensure that SRLA participants will keep on running long after COVID-19 is in the history books.


With that in mind, the SRLA Board has approved COVID-19 protocols for this upcoming season based on federal, state and local guidelines. With SRLA groups in more than 185 public schools and community programs across Greater Los Angeles and beyond, SRLA understands that not every school district, charter organization, or school principal may follow the same structure for in-person, classroom instruction and may have different restrictions for teacher-student interactions. SRLA has always believed that SRLA Leaders, with the support of their local administration and informed consent from student parents/guardians, know what is best for their students and has designed protocols with the flexibility needed to meet the local requirements at each SRLA group site.

Because SRLA groups may be required to follow different protocols, please understand that the SRLA season for one group of students may be very different from another group, depending on the restrictions placed on SRLA Leaders at their individual SRLA group sites. SRLA also understands that some SRLA groups may decide to suspend SRLA activities this season. Please know that if your SRLA group decides not to participate this season that will NOT affect your participation in the SRLA program next season.

The underlying principles of the SRLA program remain unwavering: challenging students to experience the benefits of goal-setting, character development, adult mentoring and improved health. The challenge is always 26.2 but it may be measured in something other than miles this season. 

The protocols identify two possible scenarios:

#1 SRLA Leaders are prohibited by their school administrations / community organization leadership to meet with students in-person after school.

#2 SRLA Leaders are permitted by their school administrations / community organization leadership to meet with their students in-person after school.


Under both protocols, SRLA is encouraging SRLA groups to help prepare SRLA students for the goal of completing the Los Angeles Marathon with an understanding that, depending on a number of unpredictable conditions this season, SRLA may be able to permit only qualified SRLA high school juniors and seniors to participate in the Los Angeles Marathon. For younger SRLA students at SRLA groups that are not able to meet training requirements in support of completing a marathon, the culminating challenge event may be something different.

SRLA asks that each SRLA Group follows the protocol that best fits the conditions at your SRLA group site. In addition, it is also STRONGLY ENCOURAGED that the SRLA Leadership at each SRLA group develop site-specific statements that every student and their parent/guardian is required to read and sign. Along with copies of completed SRLA-required materials, this additional awareness statement, which must be consistent with SRLA policies, should be kept on file for each participating student at the SRLA group’s site and be available upon request.

As conditions and restrictions evolve over time, these protocols may also change. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the SRLA Program Director.